Dog Pooping Clear Liquid? [3 Solutions To This Puzzling Problem]

Why Is My Dog Or Puppy Pooping Clear Liquid?

While it may be alarming to see a dog pooping clear liquid, it’s usually not a huge cause for concern!

The clear liquid you see is actually mucus.

This jelly-like substance is normally present in your dog’s stool, and an excessive amount of mucus will cause your dog’s poop to look like a clear, slimy liquid.

Though you may not see it on an average day, small amounts of mucus are ever present in your dog’s stool.

It’s secreted by glands in the lower intestinal tract to provide lubrication to the colon and enable the stools to pass along easily.

However, excessive amounts of mucus can cause the dog’s stool to look clear and as if encased in a membrane. Some people describe it as “sausage casing stool”!

Interestingly, some dog breeds are more prone to pooping clear liquid than others.

This is because they have a weaker digestive system and are generally more susceptible to gastrointestinal illnesses. These breeds include:

● Shih Tzus

● Labrador Retrievers

● German Shepherds

● Boxers

● Great Danes

● Yorkshire Terriers

● Scottish Terriers

● Irish Setters

● Miniature Schnauzers

If your dog has a sensitive stomach and occasionally poops clear liquid, your vet may advise you to make adjustments to their diet. They may also recommend supplements like probiotics to enhance the stomach’s natural microflora.

Is It Normal To See Dog Poop Encased In Membrane?

It’s not normal to see your dog’s poop encased in a membrane, but it’s not necessarily dangerous either.

Vets will usually advise that if this happens once or every now and then, it shouldn’t be a major concern as mucus can accumulate in the stool for a variety of reasons.

Certain food intolerances, gastrointestinal inflammations, or even stress can cause the glands in your dog’s GI tract to produce excessive mucus.

If it’s a one-time occurrence with no other symptoms, you don’t need to take your dog to the vet. Pooping clear liquid and obvious mucus in a dog’s stool is usually a self-resolving issue.

However, if you notice poop that is frequently encased in a membrane, or if the dog displays any signs of distress, you should take them to the vet for a checkup ASAP.

Why Does My Dog’s Poop Look Like Sausage Casing?

Why Does My Dog’s Poop Look Like Sausage Casing?

Dog poop that looks like sausage casing also generally means that there is excessive mucus in the stool.

This could be due to a wide variety of health issues or conditions, ranging from mild, moderate- to severe.

It’s important to identify any symptoms that are accompanied by clear liquid stool. Let’s take a closer look at why your dog’s poop might look like sausage casing.


Perhaps the most common reason for sausage casing stool is your dog’s mental state.

This is usually the least concerning cause and the quickest to resolve once you identify the source of stress.

Stress in dogs can be caused by anything from high-pitched smoke detector beeping to an irate owner.

One of the more common signs that anxious dogs have is abnormal bowel movements. Some dogs present with diarrhea, others begin to secrete excessive amounts of mucus in their stool.

Other symptoms to look out for are more frequent defecation and difficulty with or straining while pooping.

A stressed-out dog can also display signs of depression, loss of appetite, and dehydration.

Some dog owners confuse an empty colon with constipation. If you notice your dog is frequently pooping, then it’s most likely not a case of constipation.

Clear liquid stool due to stress should resolve on its own within 48 hours, even if the source of stress isn’t addressed.

You should however call the vet if you notice the problem persisting or the symptoms worsening.

Make sure your dog is getting enough fluids to make up for what’s lost. Dogs can become dehydrated easily, and the complications of dehydration can be life-threatening!

Food Intolerance/Food Poisoning

Food Intolerance/Food Poisoning

Food intolerances are adverse reactions caused by certain foods.

This can cover foods that your dog’s stomach is particularly sensitive to, or foods that can be poisonous to your dog (such as medicines like Klonopin).

Food intolerance is also usually associated with food allergies, although a food allergy is only triggered when the immune system gets involved.

These adverse effects cause significant stomach disturbances. This ranges from flatulence to diarrhea and excessive mucus in the stool.

Food poisoning and allergies usually require veterinary intervention, while food intolerance is usually less severe and may not require a trip to the vet.

Food Intolerance

The most prominent food intolerance for dogs is carbohydrates.

Lactose intolerance is fairly common among all dog breeds. Dairy products like milk and cheese can cause flatulence and diarrhea.

Other common food intolerances are wheat, beef, chicken, lamb, eggs, and soy.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is generally more dangerous than food intolerance.

If you notice your dog pooping clear liquid and you suspect they ate one of the following, take them to the vet immediately:


● Coffee


● Salt (including Epsom bath salts)

● Tomato stems or leaves

● Walnuts

● Onions

● Gum

● Avocados

● Alcohol

● Hops


● Rhubarb leaves

● Tea

● Grapes

● Apricot pits

● Cherry pits (cherry pies aren’t great either, albeit not poisonous!)

Eating Foreign Objects

Eating Foreign Objects

The inquisitive nature of dogs means that a lot of non-edible items- like wax paper or latex gloves– will often end up in their stomach.

This bad habit of ingesting foreign bodies is actually a formally-recognized medical condition called pica.

Like most other bad habits, pica can be stopped with the appropriate behavioral training.

However, before that happens, the tendency for a pooch to swallow everything in sight can result in intestinal blockages that subsequently require emergency intervention.

Sometimes, dogs get into the habit of ingesting foreign objects due to malnutrition. Therefore, it might be a good idea to check your dog’s diet if you see them doing this a lot.

For more tips on how to stop and prevent pica in puppies and adult dogs, click here to read our comprehensive resource on the topic!

Sudden Diet Changes

Sudden diet changes can also cause stomach upsets and mucus in the stool.

This can be additionally exasperated if your dog is allergic to one of the new ingredients that it has been introduced to.

Following a sudden diet change, your vet may suggest a therapeutic or alternative diet that consists of highly digestible or hypoallergenic food.

If you plan to make changes to your dog’s diet, start with small adjustments to allow the dog’s body proper time to adapt!


Parasites are a common cause of clear liquid stools.

The most common type of parasite is tapeworm, but your dog might also become infected by whipworms, giardia, hookworms, or other intestinal pathogens.

Parasites can come from food, water, or soil. Sometimes, curious canines can also pick them up when they gobble up pests like snails or slugs!

The clear liquid stool that results may contain even more eggs, ripe for re-infestation, and the feces are usually foul-smelling.

If your vet suspects a parasitic infection, they’ll typically conduct a fecal examination and prescribe a dewormer to treat your dog.

Some parasitic infections can resolve on their own, while others such as heartworm will require prescription drugs.


Parvovirus is an extremely contagious disease that affects the intestinal tract.

This viral infection usually causes vomiting, bloody diarrhea, excessive mucus in the stool, lethargy, dehydration, and loss of appetite.

Some breeds are more susceptible to parvovirus than others. These include:

● Dobermans

● Rottweilers

● German Shepherds

Unvaccinated dogs are also highly susceptible to the disease. Parvovirus can potentially be fatal if not treated appropriately, so take your dog to the vet as soon as you notice any of the above severe symptoms.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

IBD occurs when inflammatory cells start attacking the GI tract. This condition commonly affects Shar-Peis and German Shepherds.

IBD frequently comes with mucus in the stool, vomiting, weight loss, and diarrhea.

Your vet may prescribe immunosuppressive medication to treat the condition, as well as recommend possible diet changes.


Colitis is a chronic disease that affects the lining of the colon. This inflammation usually causes mucus in the stool, bloody poops, and straining.

Colitis can be caused by a variety of issues. Stress, infections, parasites, and IBD can all cause colitis.

If your dog is suffering from ulcerative colitis, you’ll see a significant amount of blood in the stool.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome can be caused by a variety of conditions, with some of the most common ones being food intolerances and stress.

Dogs with IBS will usually suffer from inflammation of the bowels and persistent discomfort. This is often accompanied by large bowel diarrhea or constipation.

Vets may recommend a high-fiber diet and foods that are easily digestible to restore digestive functions.

They may also recommend you check that the dog’s environment isn’t overly stressful, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your pet.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

SIBO is a medical condition characterized by the inability to absorb raw food.

When a dog eats something raw, the bacteria populating the intestines will start using it as fuel and grow in size.

The most common breed that suffers from this condition is the German Shepherd. Other dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency can also present with SIBO.

SIBO results in mucus in the stool (sometimes yellow in color), lethargy, and crankiness.

Your vet may recommend probiotics or foods like kefir to restore the good colon bacteria balance and treat the condition.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections aren’t as common as viral or bacterial infections, but they can cause the same symptoms.

There are several types of fungal infections, such as systemic fungal infections that cause diarrhea, clear liquid stool, and organ damage in severe cases.

For example, histoplasmosis is a type of infection that’s caused by contaminated soil. GI pythiosis is another disease that can cause fever, severe vomiting, and enlarged lymph nodes.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammation in the digestive tract. Dogs with Crohn’s disease will suffer from chronic, recurrent diarrhea and vomiting.

A clear liquid stool is also very common with this disease. This can persist for several months if not appropriately treated.

There’s no cure for Crohn’s disease, but it can be easily managed with antibiotics, probiotics, and a hypoallergenic, therapeutic diet.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is also effective in reducing the symptoms of the disease, and are usually given as subcutaneous injections.

Clostridial Enterotoxicosis

Similar to SIBO, clostridial enterotoxicosis involves raw foods (like fish heads) and the bacterium clostridium perfringens.

This type of intestinal disease can cause shiny clear liquid stool, straining, and stomach discomfort.

Contaminated foods and dietary changes can also cause this disease. Your vet may administer electrolyte therapy to make up for the lost fluids, and diet adjustments and antibiotic therapy are also usually given.

Again, probiotics can further improve the symptoms and reduce incidents of recurrence.


Mucus in the stool can also be a result of intestinal tumors. These tumors usually grow in the digestive tract or the intestinal lining.

Tumors can be detected during routine health checks. Symptoms of cancers are mucus in the stool, bloody stool, and pain.

However, not all outgrowths are tumors. For example, polyps are abnormal tissue growths that develop in the colon or uterus. They are usually harmless, but some of them can turn into colon cancer.

Is It Normal That My Dog Is Pooping Clear Liquid And Throwing Up?

Is It Normal That My Dog Is Pooping Clear Liquid And Throwing Up?

Pooping clear liquid shouldn’t worry you on its own. Even if it won’t resolve by itself, it’s okay to wait for a few days before you take your dog to the vet.

However, vomiting with clear liquid stool is usually a sign of a serious issue.

It could indicate that there’s an intestinal blockage, parvovirus infection, or serious food poisoning currently present in the pup.

You should talk to the vet as soon as you see your dog throwing up and expelling clear liquid from the other end.

Make sure to tell the vet what the vomit looks like as this will help them to assess the severity of the situation.

If the vomit is tarry or stained with blood, you should take your dog to emergency care immediately. If the vomiting is occasional with no worsening symptoms, your vet may tell you to wait till the following day to bring the dog in.

In this case, it’s of the utmost importance that you keep your dog from becoming dehydrated.

Frequent defecation with occasional vomiting can cause your dog to lose more fluids than they’re getting in.

Humans can survive dehydration for significantly longer durations than dogs. Symptoms of dehydration include:

● Loss of appetite

● Lethargy

● Sticky gums

● Panting

● Dry eyes

● Dry nose

If you notice any of the above symptoms of dehydration, consult with your vet immediately and offer your dog plenty of fluids.

Make sure to always have cool water available, and keep your dog away from hot environments as much as possible.

Your vet may also recommend Pedialyte, a solution enhanced with electrolytes, to treat any electrolyte imbalance that has occurred as a result of a lack of sufficient water intake.

Should I Be Worried About My Dog Pooping Clear Liquid?

In a broad sense, no.

It’s okay for your dog to poop clear liquid every now and then- especially if that is the only symptom.

Even if you notice an excessive amount of mucus, your vet may only ask you to implement some preventive measures without asking you to go into the clinic.

If excessive mucus persists over an extended period of time, your vet may then elect to run fecal examinations to determine the underlying issue.

To sum it up: If your dog is pooping clear liquid, you shouldn’t be overly worried!

However, you should be more concerned If any of the following symptoms appear:

● Vomiting

● Severe diarrhea

● Straining

● Pain

● Poor appetite

● Blood in stool

Is It Dangerous That My Puppy Is Pooping Clear Liquid With Blood?

Is It Dangerous That My Puppy Is Pooping Clear Liquid With Blood?

Pooping clear liquid with blood is dangerous- not to mention potentially life-threatening.

It’s usually accompanied by other symptoms like changes in appetite, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and vomiting.

Blood in the stool can come from a variety of conditions. Not all of them are life-threatening, but you should still visit an emergency clinic to have your dog checked.

Generally, there are two types of blood in the stool:

Bright Red Blood (Hematochezia)

A small streak of bright red blood in your dog’s poop is usually not a major reason to worry. It’s occurrence could be due to hemorrhoids or other such minor issues.

What you should be worried about is consistent bleeding in the stool. The larger the amount of blood, the more severe the underlying problem tends to be.

Hematochezia occurs in the colon or lower digestive tract, and can be caused by bacterial infections, viral infections, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and parvovirus.

Dark Tarry Blood (Melena)

Melena is the passage of dark blood in the stool. The blood is usually tarry and sticky, indicating that it had been swallowed or digested.

Melena occurs in the upper digestive tract, it’s caused by parasites, tumors, or ingestion of blood (usually from an injury).

What Should I Do If My Dog Tries to Poop But Clear Liquid Comes Out?

If your dog poops clear liquid once and doesn’t seem to be too distressed, you don’t really have to do anything.

If you notice a recurrence of loose, clear stools or any other symptoms related to the digestive system, you should inform your vet immediately.

Even if you do so, the vet may not ask you to go in right away. In many situations, dietary adjustments and supplements can solve the issue quickly.

Your vet may also ask if your dog has been stressed out lately and recommend some suitable stress-relief activities such as increased exercise and playtime.

If your vet thinks there’s a potentially serious underlying issue at hand, they may choose to carry out a full health check-up on your dog in order to make sure.

Dietary Adjustments

The first thing vets usually recommend after clear liquid stools are presented is to adjust the dog’s diet.

The vet will first note if your dog has certain sensitivities towards foods like chicken, meat, and eggs.

Following that, you’ll likely be advised to start cooking bland meals of boiled chicken and rice for your dog. (Just don’t give it a whole wing!)

Simple homemade meals can help greatly to reduce stomach upsets and reduce the instances of clear liquid stools.

The most important thing is to understand your dog’s nutritional needs and create a balanced diet. Avoid artificial flavors, seasonings, fillers, and preservatives as much as possible.

Here are some of the most commonly recommended foods for your dog:

Tuna Or Salmon

Packed with nutrients and easy on the stomach, tuna or salmon are among the top picks for homemade meals. However, you should make sure you’re choosing the appropriate product.

For example, you should make sure there’s no salt or any seasonings on the fish. Additionally, choose fish that’s canned in water and avoid oils!

White Rice

White rice is soft in texture and allows for easy digestion. It’s commonly recommended for dogs with stomach upsets and is thought to relieve diarrhea and other intestinal problems.

Boiled Chicken or Turkey Breasts

Boiled Chicken or Turkey Breasts

Boiled chicken or turkey breasts are full of protein without too much fat. They’re one of the best foods you can serve your dog- especially when boiled.

Don’t forget to forego any seasonings, which shouldn’t be a problem anyway as the meat is already extremely palatable for canines.

Just make sure to confirm with your vet that your dog isn’t particularly sensitive to chicken or turkey!

Cooked Eggs

Cooked eggs are packed with proteins but can also contain significant amounts of fat. They can make a lovely addition to your dog’s diet but should be given with the appropriate limitations.

For example, don’t feed your dog too many eggs and avoid cooking using seasonings or oil. Eating too many eggs can irritate your dog’s stomach due to the high level of fat.

Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are rich in fibers and make a wonderful addition to your dog’s meals.

Vets recommend you boil them and peel off the skin to reduce the amount of fiber. Sweet potatoes are also great alternatives.

Bone Broth

Not only is bone broth incredibly nutritious (containing excellent, health-restoring elements like amino acids and collagen), it’s also one of the tastiest natural foods available for your dog’s ravenous taste buds.

However, be sure to avoid pork entirely as its high fat content may heighten the likelihood of acute pancreatitis. Stick with chicken or fish bones!

A Top Tip is to cool the broth in the fridge first after stewing, as this will allow you to remove any extra fat much more easily!

Canned Pumpkin

Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkins are constantly regarded as one of the healthiest foods for pooches all over.

They’re packed with nutrients, easy on the stomach, and take a while to get absorbed. This makes it an effective food to relieve diarrhea and other digestive issues.

Probiotic Supplements

Probiotics are, by far, the most recommended type of supplement for dogs. They’re extremely effective in promoting gut health by increasing non-pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.

The higher the ratio of non-pathogenic to pathogenic microbes, the lower the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

Some formulas contain inulin, which is also a type of probiotic.

Inulin is a soluble fiber, which further bolsters gut health by providing a better environment for the good bacteria to grow. It can be especially beneficial for dogs with SIBO.

Physical Examination

If the dog starts displaying severe symptoms, the vet will try to identify the underlying issue at play.

Vets typically perform a physical examination followed by a combination of the following diagnostic tests:

● Stool analysis

● Urinalysis

● Blood tests

● Ultrasound

● X-ray

● Intestinal tract biopsy

● Endoscopy

The appropriate treatment greatly varies from condition to condition. Your vet may prescribe drugs like antibiotics, parasiticides, or corticosteroids depending on the specific underlying condition.

How Do I Prevent My Dog from Pooping Clear Liquid?

In simple terms, maintaining your dog’s gut health is the key to preventing excessive mucus in the stool.

Probiotics are extremely effective in preventing inflammation and infections.

However, dog owners must pay close overall attention to their pet’s diet. A healthy diet is paramount for a similarly healthy intestinal tract.

Finally, make sure your dog doesn’t eat expired or rotten foods!

The same goes for food intolerances and poisonous ingredients, as each of these can play a huge factor in the health (or lack thereof) of a canine’s digestive system.

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