Most canines are often attracted to and drawn towards the foods their human friends eat. There may have been umpteen times when you have spotted your dog staring keenly at the contents of your plate, eagerly waiting to get a bite of some of it. Before you fall for your dog’s innocent glances, you must understand that what is good for you may not be the same for your dog.
So, what about avocado? The avocado craze in recent times, thanks to the immense initiatives of social media, isn’t unknown. No wonder the avocado toasts and salads have become an instant hit among many. How about your canine? Can you give him a bite of your avocado sandwich or the whole fruit? Will it have any effects on your dog’s health? Read on to learn more.
Can Dogs Eat Avocado?
It’s challenging to answer this question in a positive or negative way. It will be a combination of a YES and a NO. Eating the inner part is the safest way to consume avocado for dogs. They must avoid consuming the leaves, peels, seeds, and pits to prevent severe health problems. The following section will discuss the risks of eating avocado with dogs.
Benefits and Risks of Feeding Avacado to Your Dog
First, let’s look at the risks of avocado consumption in dogs before considering the benefits. The risks outweigh the benefits. Here are some of the hazards of eating avocado with dogs:
- The main ingredient in avocado that causes the most harm to dogs is persin. It’s a fungicidal toxin that could lead to severe health problems in dogs, including death in the case of severity.
Persin is in higher concentrations in avocado leaves, bark, skin, and pit. It can be found in the fruit as well but in lower amounts. Unripe avocados have higher doses of the toxin than ripe fruit.
This fungal toxin is considered poisonous to dogs, and when your canine ingests too much of it, he might suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and even a heart attack. A published report highlights the case of two dogs suffering from heart failure from prolonged consumption of excessive amounts of avocado. - Keeping aside its persin content, excessive consumption of avocado pulp could trigger gastrointestinal disorders and pancreatitis in canines. It is also essential to know that dogs with sensitive digestive systems may develop stomach problems even after having small amounts of avocado. An increased intake may also lead to weight gain.
- Another problem is the stone or pit lying at the fruit’s center, which could result in a choking hazard. Even if it passes down the tummy, it could obstruct the gut, leading to several complications.
So, we see several risks involved in eating avocado in dogs. Now, let us look at the benefits of the fruit, if any.
The pulp of avocados comes with health benefits because they are rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins (A, E, B6, C). - Vitamin A helps boost your dog’s immunity, supports vision, and facilitates bone growth.
- Vitamin E safeguards your dog from free radical damage. He will be at a lesser risk of heart disease and cancer. This vitamin is also beneficial in metabolizing fat and supporting skin and eyes.
- Vitamin B6 also comes with an array of benefits. It helps to regulate the hormones and even facilitates the functioning of the nervous system.
However, to reap benefits from these vitamins, you must give your dog a lot of avocado, which is bad.
What If My Dog Eats Avocado?
If your dog has eaten avocado without you giving it to him, it could be a stressful affair for you. However, you shouldn’t stress and take one thing at a time during a crisis.
Firstly, it depends on how much avocado your dog ate and what’s its size. When your canine consumes avocado in small quantities, that is likely to harm him less. However, if your dog has eaten a lot of avocados over time or in a single go, it could affect his health to a great extent.
The size also determines how much harm avocados can do to dogs. For instance, two to three bites of avocado could affect a small dog more than the impact it may have on big breeds.
Also, you must check if he has eaten only the flesh, avocado seeds, or leaves. They contain larger amounts of persin, and your dog could be at risk of toxicity. In such cases, seeking a vet’s consultation at the earliest is of immense importance.
However, if it is only the flesh your dog has consumed, you could watch his symptoms for around 12-24 hours. If your dog is vomiting, passing loose stools, restless, or drooling excessively, it is advisable to contact the vet immediately
Steps To Keep Avocado Away From Dogs
If you swear by avocado and cannot have your salads or sandwiches without including this fruit, keeping it away from your dog is essential. Because if your canine has avocado as frequently as you do, he will be in serious trouble. Here are some things to do to keep avocados away from dogs.
- Educate your family members about the risks avocado can pose to your dog. This way, they won’t treat the canine with avocado savories or treats. It would even help to list fruits and veggies that are a no-no for your pup and put them on the fridge. This will be of help.
- Never keep avocados on the table. Store in the fridge, pantry, or places outside your dog’s reach.
- If your dog rummages through the trash can, it is advisable to go for dog-proof cans so that your canine won’t be able to survey through them when you aren’t looking.
How much avocado can you give your dog?
There isn’t any accurate or measured amount of the fruit which can be given to dogs. A lot depends on your dog’s health, his size, and weight. The amount harmful for a small dog won’t be hazardous for a big breed. Similarly, if you have a healthy dog, avocados will affect him less than the hazard it can cause to a dog who is obese or has gastrointestinal disorders.
Can your dog eat foods with avocado?
There are dog foods containing avocado meal or avocado oil. These foods aren’t unsafe for your dog. Here, the avocado flesh is ground and dried. The person content is also significantly less; eating them isn’t hazardous for your dog. However, if you have identified that your dog is allergic to avocado, it is safe to avoid giving him food containing the fruit.
Can your dog eat avocado oil?
Avocado oil doesn’t have toxins and isn’t considered toxic for your canine friend. It has several health benefits because it contains Vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. However, because of its high-fat content, you cannot guarantee it to be 100 percent safe for dogs. This could make it unsafe for dogs when they eat it in increased amounts and trigger pancreatitis.
Can you feed your dog guacamole?
The main ingredient of this Mexican salad or spread is avocado. However, guacamole also has salt, garlic, and onion, which are toxic for dogs. So, it is safe to prevent your dog from eating guacamole.
How will a vet treat a dog when he has overeaten avocado?
The treatment will be based on the symptoms your dog is showing. If your dog has gastrointestinal disorders, he will be given medications and fluids to relieve the pain and discomfort. In the case of more severe symptoms, bloodwork and X-rays will be conducted to investigate the cause of the dog’s discomfort.
The persin present in avocado affect other animals more than dogs. That doesn’t mean you will be liberal in giving your dog a lot of avocados. You may opt for healthier alternatives to avocado. There are several other fruits considered safe for your canine. Some include apples, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, and so on. So, substituting avocados with these fruits will be healthier.
Elena Gherman is a highly skilled and knowledgeable animal care expert. At the start of her career, she gained practical expertise with multiple animals. In addition to that, she works as a DVM veterinary editor for Joy Pet Products, which focuses on offering reliable information on pet health and wellbeing. She meticulously reviews each piece of writing before it is published to make sure pet owners get the most precise and updated information possible.