My Dog Ate Paper Towel! Here’s What to Do Immediately?

Dogs are curious creatures, keen on exploring everything in their surrounding through their powerful noses. They’ll not just pop edible things into their mouth but also be eager to get a taste of the inedible ones. It could be any odd thing like your shoes lying on the rack, the blankets, pillowcases, or even the paper towels arranged in the washroom.

There could be umpteen reasons behind this weird behavior of your canine. Your dog is perhaps bored and wishes to entertain himself. It could even be that your dog isn’t well, or the reason could be something else.

Now, coming to the topic, what if your dog ate a paper towel? It sounds scary! Right? Will it hurt your canine? What should you do then? Let’s read on to know more.

Why Do Dogs Eat Paper Towels? 5 Possible Reasons

Why Do Dogs Eat Paper Towels? 5 Possible Reasons

If your dog has a knack for eating paper towels or any inedible object, there could be several reasons behind this behavior. It could be something simple like your dog has nothing to do throughout the day, making him resort to destructive activities like eating paper towels.

Your canine might also be stressed or suffer from an underlying health issue, triggering this behavior.

Let’s get to know the different reasons why your dogs eat paper towels.

1. Your Dog is Bored

If your dog isn’t exercised well or remains on his own most of the day without anything much to do, he is bound to get bored. A bored dog will resort to destructive activities like chewing, jumping, biting, barking for attention, etc.

So, if your canine lacks mental or physical stimulation, he will do anything he wishes to channel his energy. If he finds a box of paper towels near him, he’ll get at pulling them out and even biting and eating them.

2. He Could Be Anxious

He Could Be Anxious

Just like boredom, anxiety also triggers unwanted behavior in dogs. Perhaps he has separation anxiety and is upset each time you leave him at home for long hours and go out to work. There might have been a change in your household, which your dog can’t accept.

That’s making him stressed. It might also be that you’ve brought another dog home, and your canine hasn’t been able to come to terms with the new member’s arrival. The reasons could be plenty.

A stressed dog will not just eat paper towels. He’ll show his anxiousness through several physical and behavioral gestures, too. These include panting excessively, licking his lips, yawning, and pacing in circles. When your dog is stressed, you will also notice that his ears are erect and his tail is tucked between his legs.

3. It Could Be Teething Pain

Puppies get their first set of teeth when they are two weeks old. With new teeth comes teething pain as well. They’ll chew anything they get at hand to find relief from the pain and discomfort.

If they find the soft paper towels within their reach, they’ll waste no time chewing them.

4.He Has Pica

He Has Pica

Pica is a condition where your dog persistently chews and even eats something that isn’t of any nutritional value to him. Dogs with pica will eat odd things like grass, wood, cardboard, chalk, feces, etc.

There are medical and nonmedical causes of pica. Your dog could be deficient in iron, zinc, or other essential nutrients. He tries to make up for these nutrients by eating stuff that he shouldn’t.

When your dog is infected with worms or has diabetes, his hunger levels will spike. He will begin eating whatever he finds at hand, like paper towels or anything else.

Dogs with pica show other signs, too, like vomiting, passing loose stools, bad breath, pawing at their face and mouth frequently, having broken teeth, etc.

When your dog shows these signs, contacting the vet at once is essential because constant consumption of inedible objects could harm your canine.

5. The Towel Tastes or Smells Good

Your dog could be more drawn towards the contents of the paper towel than the towel itself. You may have wiped off your night cream with the towel. Your dog is fascinated with the soothing aroma. So, he takes a tour of the trashcan where you disposed of the towel and gets at it.

As dogs explore things through their noses and mouths, chewing and even ingesting the towel, they will get a deeper insight into the aromatic odor.

You might have cleaned your mouth with the towel after a meal or used it to wipe the leftovers on the table. So, the towel might be smeared with an edible. If your dog gets a hint of the same, he will leave no stone unturned to get at it and lick the tasty treat on the tissue.

Will Eating a Paper Towel Hurt My Dog?

Will Eating a Paper Towel Hurt My Dog?

Paper towels, paper tissues, and toilet rolls are all made from wood pulp your dog cannot digest. So, when your dog ingests paper towels, they will accumulate in the stomach, forming a clump and obstructing the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

Now, you must wonder if your dog will be at risk of intestinal blockage when he consumes paper towels. Well, that depends on how much was ingested. Did your dog eat one or two small pieces or a whole roll? It also depends on your dog’s size and weight. One or two pieces might do less harm to a Great Dane or German Shepherd than it would to a Chihuahua or Yorkie.

Another hazard could be the items on the paper roll. You may have applied cleaning products, like nail varnish remover, rubbing alcohol, or bleach. When your dog eats a towel containing any of these products, it could cause toxic reactions.

We cannot ignore the risk of a choking hazard if your dog tries to eat too many paper towels in a go. Say, if your pup or a small breed went on to eat an entire roll of paper, it could put them at the risk of choking. It could be life-threatening if you do not act immediately.

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Paper Towel?

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Paper Towel?

When you have identified that your dog has eaten a paper towel, you must keep calm and act instantly. Early intervention and quick treatment will save your dog from serious health hazards. These are a few things to do from your end:

1. Assess the Situation

It is challenging to gather the exact details, but the first thing to identify is how much tissue your dog ate. If the towels were rolled, estimating the actual amount would be easier.

But if he ate a shredded paper towel, it could be challenging to determine how much of it was ingested by your canine. You should also see if the tissues had anything applied to them, like any food particles or cleaning material. Take the bottle with you when you go to the vet, as that will help him better understand the situation.

Another essential aspect to determine is how long it has been since your dog ate the towel. If you catch him red-handed eating the towel, that makes things easier. But if your dog indulged in the menace in your absence, you’ll have no clue of what happened unless you notice your dog behaving weirdly or the trashcan upturned with pieces of paper rolls lying here and there.

2. Calm Your Dog

Calm Your Dog

If your dog is in discomfort, you should calm him by taking him to his crate or any place in the house that is his comfort zone. Give him his favorite toy so that he may feel a little relaxed. Avoid screaming at your dog for eating the paper towel. That could add to this woes and make things more miserable.

3. Call the Vet

Once you have cleared the mess and settled your dog, you should call the vet to inform him of the situation. It would help the vet to come to a quick solution when you have some of the answers at hand, like:

  • How much paper roll did your dog eat?
  • What’s his age and weight?
  • Was there anything applied on the paper roll?
  • Is your dog sick, and does he show any symptoms of illness, or is he doing fine?
  • How long has it been since your dog ate the tissue?

Irrespective of whether or not your dog shows symptoms after eating the paper towel, you should always contact the vet for assurance.

4. Follow the Vet’s Advice

Follow the Vet’s Advice

The vet will mostly ask you to monitor your dog closely for about a day and watch out for symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. He may even ask you to follow up regarding your dog’s condition.

Some dogs will look perfectly fine even after eating paper towels and resume their activities as if nothing happened. It mainly occurs when your dog hasn’t eaten too many paper towels. A lot depends on its size also. A Great Dane will not be affected by eating a small piece of paper towel.

However, the vet may sometimes ask you to get your dog right away, especially if your small dog has ingested excessive amounts of paper towels.

5. Refrain from Home Remedies

Many owners are tempted to induce vomiting at home to relieve their dogs. But that could make things worse for the canines. So, it is advisable to consult a vet before taking any crucial step. When you try to make your dog vomit forcefully, he may face the following problems:

  • If your dog has ingested many paper towels, they could get blocked as you try to induce vomiting. It could trigger a choking hazard.
  • Your dog might appear too weak and lethargic and may not be in a position to vomit.
  • Your canine could inhale his vomit and put himself at more risk.
  • If inducing vomiting doesn’t impact your dog, the chemicals used could be ingested, causing harmful effects. Some chemicals that many owners use to make a dog vomit forcefully include hydrogen peroxide, ipecac syrup, table salt, etc.

Ingestion of hydrogen peroxide can cause mild to severe effects like gastritis, stomach ulceration, and bleeding. Similarly, the other chemicals could also cause toxic effects when ingested.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Paper Towels

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Paper Towels

There are several dangers that your dog may incur upon eating paper towels. Let’s take a look at the several ways in which eating paper towels can harm your dog.

  1. The most common issue dogs may face upon consuming large amounts of paper towels is gastrointestinal blockage. Paper towels obstructing the stomach will hinder the passage of fluids and solids through the gastrointestinal tract. It may even obstruct bowel movement, which may sometimes be life-threatening for your canine. If there is an intestinal blockage, your dog will display the following symptoms:
    • Persistent Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Reduced appetite
    • Bloating
    • Dehydration
    • Abdominal pain
  2. Your dog could choke if he ate large amounts of paper towels in a go. Puppies and small dogs are at an increased risk of the same compared to larger breeds. When your dog is choked, he will have trouble breathing. It could take a severe turn if you do not seek medical attention immediately.
  3. If your dog ingests any cleaning products or food items he is forbidden to eat along with the paper towel, that could also put him at risk of toxicity from those products.

When Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?

You should take your dog to the vet if he is vomiting continuously, appearing lethargic, showing disinterest in eating, or having difficulty breathing. These will mostly happen if your dog consumes excessive paper towels.

Your dog’s overall health could also be affected. For example, eating paper towels could harm his health if you already have a sick dog. Never delay taking your dog to the vet in case of an emergency. Your prompt action may save your dog’s life.


How will the vet treat your dog when he has eaten a paper towel?

The vet will examine your dog at first and physically examine him to check his overall health. If he feels the need, he might induce vomiting, especially if it has not been more than three hours since your dog has ingested the paper towel.
Sometimes, the vet might remove the paper towel from the dog’s stomach using an endoscope. This process can be more effective if it has been just a few hours since your dog consumed the paper towel.
When paper towels are too fragile, using an endoscope to pull the pieces out might not work.
In the case of a severe intestinal blockage, surgical removal might be the only option.

How long does it take for your dog to recover?

The recovery process depends on the severity of your dog’s situation. If your dog has mild digestive disorders, that will get better in a few days.
If your dog underwent an endoscopy, it will take around three to four days. In the case of a surgical procedure, the recovery process may be about a week.

Will your dog be able to pass paper towels easily?

Paper towels are denser, larger, and thicker than toilet tissues. They could be difficult to pass if ingested in large amounts. However, in most cases, your dog will rip the tissues into bits and then chew the paper. It depends on the dog’s size, too. Big dogs have larger intestinal tracts and are likely to have less trouble passing the paper than their small counterparts.

Why do dogs tear paper towels or toilet paper before eating them?

Some dogs enjoy ripping paper apart and putting it into their mouth. They perceive it as a play and entertain themselves when bored.
Some canines might even enjoy the sensation of ripening paper using their teeth.


Eating paper towels, tissue paper, or toilet paper isn’t healthy for your dog. If he does it out of boredom, ensure your dog is physically and mentally stimulated. Talk to the vet immediately if the reason is due to any underlying health issue. Once that is fixed, he will not indulge in eating paper towels.

If your dog is alone at home, lock the bathroom door well and keep the box of tissues or paper towels in a location away from your dog’s reach. When you are not around, give your dog plenty of toys to keep him busy. In this way, he will be less inclined to engage in destructive activities.

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